Thursday, April 28, 2011

Decision Making Part 1

  1. Introduction
Short story I once read on chain email:
Once I was asked by my Friend, "What is the secret behind your happy married life?" 

 I said, "You should share responsibilities with due love and Respect each other. Then absolutely there will be no problems." 

 He asked, "Can you explain?" 

 I said, "In my house, I take decisions on bigger issues where as my wife decides on smaller issues. We do not interfere in each other's decisions."

Still not convinced, Friend asked me "Give me some examples"

I said, "Smaller issues like, which car we should buy, how much amount to save, when to visit home town, which Sofa, air conditioner, refrigerator, monthly expenses, whether to keep a maid or not etc are decided by my wife. I just agree to it"

He asked, "Then what is your role?"

 I said, "My decisions are only for very big issues. Like whether America should attack Iran, whether Britain should lift sanction over Zimbabwe, whether to widen African economy, whether Mugabe should retire, etc etc and Do you know one thing, My wife NEVER, EVER objects to any of these decisions".
  • Today I want to talk about Decision Making
  • All human beings are decision makers at one level or another
  • In all levels of human life, people make decisions inspite of their social standing or responsibility.
  • Children make decisions, teenagers make decisions, young adults make decisions, women make decisions, men make decisions, leaders make decisions, followers make decisions, managers make decisions, employees make decisions, political leaders make decisions, etc
  • Decisions are made for education, career, family, churches, ministry, government, etc
  • You are a sum total of decisions whether yours or by other people
  • In each and every day, we all make decisions
  • Some decisions are good and some are bad
  • It depends on the gravity of the issue at hand, some decisions have short term, medium term, long term and some eternal consequences whether positive or negative
  • Before or in the process of making a decision, ensure you understand the possible consequences of your decision and be prepared to live with them
  • Many a times, people make emotional short term, impulsive decisions bases on short term gratification without looking at the broader picture.
  • God and the society at large has tasked us as humans to make decisions but many a times we are not there to make the right decisions and wrong decisions are made
  • Life is full of principles and principles do not respect persons
If a decision has to be made and nobody is there to make it, not making a decision is a decision on its own! Fate will determine the outcome and many a times that will be negative